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Academic Colaboraton

Our Collaborations with Industry and Educational Institutions

Collaboration with Government Polytechnic SULTANPUR

Our institution has developed a strong partnership with Government Polytechnic SULTANPUR for enhancing the academic curriculum with practical, industry-relevant knowledge. This collaboration enables our students to gain exposure to the latest technological advancements and real-world industry practices.

Collaboration with Ashoka Institute of Technology And Management

We have an established academic partnership with Ashoka Institute of Technology And Management. This collaboration fosters academic exchange, research initiatives, and joint seminars to enhance the educational experience for both our students and faculty.

Academic Tours and Industrial Visits

As part of our commitment to providing practical learning experiences, we organize academic tours and industrial visits for our students. These include visits to leading organizations such as NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) and BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited). These visits give students a firsthand look at industrial processes, technology, and career opportunities in the energy sector.

Contact us for more information