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Examination Incharge


Name: Dr. Deepika Sachana, PhD in Home Science

Designation: Examination Incharge Head of Exam Department

Experience: Extensive experience in academic administration and exam management.

Contact Number: 9919488938

Dr. Deepika Sachana holds a Ph.D. in Home Science and is the **Controller for Exam** at R. K. MAHAVIDYALAYA,GHATAMPUR. With years of experience in academia and a deep understanding of examination systems, he plays a vital role in overseeing all aspects of the examination process, from scheduling to evaluation.

As the **Head of the Exam Department**, Dr. Deepika Sachana is dedicated to ensuring the smooth and transparent conduct of examinations. His background in **Home Science** has contributed to his disciplined and systematic approach to organizing academic and administrative tasks, ensuring that every examination runs efficiently and fairly.

Dr. Deepika Sachana
Controller for Exam, Head of Exam Department